
Sign up flat earth society
Sign up flat earth society

Walls and tables are flat! In most of the cheap balloon experiment videos you can see how the “curvature” of the Earth actually changes throughout the footage. We’ve all seen how a wideangle lens can make a table or a wall look curved. Wouldn’t it be easier to fake pictures than to actually go into space? However, the curvature seen in some other pictures may be explained by the bending of light in the atmosphere, or by the use of different types of lenses. We believe that many of them have been faked. I mean, there’s a globe in every school in the world, so is it any surprise that our children grow up and take it as given that the Earth is round?īut what about all the pictures from space? After all, many people just don’t have time to check the veracity of everything we’re told, which is understandable – your job and family are always going to be more important to most people. So you believe people have been brainwashed?īrainwashed might be too strong a word, but I do think that most people simply accept what they’re told, instead of investigating the issue themselves. They don’t know why they believe in the round Earth, but they live in a world where globularist doctrine is not open to question. Moreover, many people who believe in the round Earth do not understand the science involved, and are simply accepting the authority of mainstream scientists. Many Flat-Earthers feel that the “truth” of round earth theory has not been sufficiently demonstrated. There are several different positions within Flat Earth Theory, differing ideas about how the Earth is actually composed, but all united in their rejection of the globularist dogma. Flat Earth Theory, as you might imagine, is a theory that the Earth is not a sphere, but flat. I find it strange that people trust what other people tell them, but not the evidence of their own eyes The Flat Earth Society is an organisation dedicated to promoting Flat Earth Theory, free thinking and the Zetetic method across the world. That’s what we in the Society call direct sensorial evidence.

sign up flat earth society

I looked out my window this morning and I saw the Earth.

Sign up flat earth society